Outreach Request Form

CAPS offers a variety of outreach presentations to the university community to aid in the emotional and psychological development of students in the university environment for the purpose of enhancing performance. Our presentations are geared towards prevention of mental illness, enhancement of academic success, improving coping and life skills, and increasing awareness and knowledge. CAPS programming is developed with the diverse KU student body in mind and aims to be relevant and inclusive. CAPS is happy to accommodate your outreach presentation request given sufficient time and staff availability.  Program request should be submitted three weeks prior to the requested presentation date. If you would like to make a presentation request please fill out the form below and the outreach coordinator will respond to your request within 48 hours. Please direct any questions to Eric Lowery, LSCSW. This is not a request for therapy services. If you would like an individual appointment for therapy services please call CAPS at 785-864-2277.