Skills Workshops and Group Therapy
CAPS Skills Workshops are open to all currently enrolled KU students. Each session will meet once a week for 1 hour for a total of 4 sessions. The workshop will repeat itself every 4 weeks throughout the semester and students can join anytime. Please call CAPS @ (785) 864-2277 for any questions. Workshops are 100% free.
CAPS Groups are open to current CAPS clients only (if you are not a current client, click here to get started). In group therapy, four to eight people meet either face-to-face or online with one or two group therapists and talk about what is troubling them. Members give feedback to each other by expressing their own feelings about what someone says or does. This interaction gives group members an opportunity to try out new ways of behaving and to learn more about the way they interact with others. What makes the situation unique is that it is a safe system. The importance of confidentiality (not discussing the content of group session outside of group) is stressed with all members. Members work to establish a level of trust that allows them to talk personally and honestly. Group trust is enhanced when all members make a commitment to the group. Groups are 100% free.
If you require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in these groups and workshops, please contact CAPS at 785-864-2277.
Skills Workshop Offerings for Spring 2025
All workshops begin the week of February 4th. No workshops will be held during Spring Break. Workshops end the week of May 1st.
Thriving with Anxiety
Thursdays 2:00 pm to 2:50 pm - Watkins Health Center, 2nd Floor Post Room
Fridays 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm - Kansas Union 4th Floor, Room 452
Anxiety is a common issue faced by many college students. Anxiety can negatively affect various elements of life and make it difficult to enjoy the college experience. Thriving with Anxiety will teach skills that help a person understand Anxiety and change its impact on their daily life. Thriving with Anxiety is designed as four sessions of psychoeducational content to teach students skills to manage their anxiety. Thriving with Anxiety focuses on helping people understand anxiety, develop and use relaxation, mindfulness, and self-soothing skills, address anxiety-related behaviors, and manage anxious thoughts.
Building the Nest: A Resiliency-Based Workshop
Tuesdays 5:00 pm to 5:50 pm - Kansas Union 4th Floor, Room 452
Building the Nest uses evidence-based practice to help students develop and use skills to weather daily life stressors. Stress is a common part of life that sometimes can feel overwhelming. The good news is that you have the ability to manage and overcome that stress and CAPS can help you learn how to use those abilities to your best benefit. Over the next 4 weeks, you will learn skills for distress tolerance, emotion regulation, mindfulness, and acceptance and start practicing these skills in everyday life.
Focus for Success
Thursdays 5:30 pm to 6:20 pm - Kansas Union 4th Floor, Room 452
Focus for Success is a workshop for students who struggle to start, maintain, and complete tasks. Focus for Success will help students under the process of how attention works in the brain and will explain the various causes of inattention. Focus for Success will also guide students to improve focus and minimize distractions by learning skills that can be practiced at home and in class.
Building Your Flock: a Healthy Relationships Workshop
Wednesdays 5:30 pm to 6:20 pm - Kansas Union 4th Floor, Room 452
Building Your Flock is a workshop for students who want to build healthier relationships with friends, family, significant others, and themselves. We’ll examine what a “healthy” relationship is, become aware of “red flags” for concerning relationship patterns as well as “green flags” for healthy relationship patterns, and build interpersonal skills for starting/maintaining relationships. Each week you’ll gain knowledge and skills to apply to your relationships and build your flock.
Group Therapy Offerings for Spring 2025
Undergrad Process Group: Thursdays 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Grad and Non-Trad Process Group: Fridays 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Mindfulness: Fridays 11:00am - 12:30pm
The Mindfulness Training Group is designed to help students learn and apply the principles of mindfulness practice to everyday life. The group is structured around practicing formal mindfulness meditation in a group setting with discussions focused on deepening personal understanding of what it means to be more mindful in life. Students will be expected to commit to attending weekly group session throughout the semester. The Mindfulness Group is a nice adjunct to individual therapy and is especially effective for addressing anxiety.
Why Does Group Therapy Work?
Group therapy is sometimes the most effective way of learning and growing. Here are some ideas about why this form of therapy can be so helpful.
- Once can learn about both oneself and relationships in a group therapy setting. We often learn most about ourselves when we share our experiences and emotions honestly with other.
- We also learn about ourselves when we get feedback from other people.
- Knowing that others have histories and feelings similar to ours can help us feel less alone. As we help others learn about themselves, we often understand ourselves better. Seeing others grow from hurt and pain into creative solutions can sometimes give us hope and ideas.
- Since the roles we play in life tend to be the same roles we adopt in group, experiences inside group, when we understand them, can teach us about experiences outside group.
- The dependability and honesty of group members to each other can rebuild trust and self–worth, both in others and ourselves.
How to Get the Most Out Of a Therapy Group
- Be yourself. Start from where you are, not where you think others want you to be. If you are having a difficult time knowing how to discuss your feelings, ask the group to help you. At times, just knowing what to say can feel uncomfortable.
- Take time for yourself. You have the right to take group time to talk about yourself. Some group members hesitate to focus on themselves because they feel that others need the time or their own concerns are not as important as other group members. By understanding your reluctance to talk, you begin the growth process.
- Be aware of censored thoughts and feelings. We are taught to censor what we communicate to others. Learning to express your thoughts and feelings without censorship in a safe setting is the first step towards self-awareness and the resolution of uncomfortable feelings.
- Take risks. The group setting is an excellent place to experiment with different ways of behaving and expressing yourself. By taking risks, you can discover what works for you and what does not.
- Give and receive feedback. Giving and receiving feedback is a major aspect of group therapy. The best way to get feedback is to request it, especially from specific individuals whose impression means the most from you. Giving feedback is enhanced when you express your thoughts and feelings and avoid giving advice or solutions unless these are specifically requested.
- Be patient with yourself and the group. Growth takes time, effort and patience. It may take a number of sessions before members have enough trust to be open and for the process to work. The leader will help create an atmosphere of trust.